Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a hardworking dad named Mark. Mark dedicated long hours to his job, striving to provide for his family. However, there was one thing that constantl...
Permaplug Celebrates Milestone: 100,000 Units Sold and Media Recognition
We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for Permaplug! With great pride and gratitude, we are celebrating the sale of over 100,000 units of Permaplug. Additionally, our innovative charg...
Permaplug Secures Approved US Patent: Pioneering Innovation and Protecting the Future
We are thrilled to announce that Permaplug has achieved a significant milestone in its journey. After years of dedication and hard work, we have successfully secured an approved US patent for our r...
Say Goodbye to Charger Replacement Costs with Permaplug
Have you ever found yourself constantly spending money on replacing lost, stolen, or broken chargers? The cost of replacing chargers can add up significantly over time, putting a strain on your wal...